
28.04.2017 Matches shedule improvement

Now you can instantly see the current score of two different players if they ever plaied with each other before. The score looks like a link and could be found next to name of each second player.

23.04.2017 ITTF Ranking Analytics Demographics Report

Our new tool let you know which average and maximium rating points having athletes participating in ITTF tournaments, according to their age.
If you look at this chart you will find out that the line of maximum rating raising up to 27-29 years and goes down right after this age.
You may also notice that age 17-18 is the most popular among such athletes.

01.04.2017 Welcome to our website, Table Tennis Guide!

Our team collected all information about top players and organized it into one unique database having no analogues in Internet yet.
Hundreds of videos and match results, athlete rankings, equipments and other interesting information could be easily found here.
Stay with us!